Shin Kyara Powder (White Kynam) 3 grams
Shin Kyara Powder (White Kynam) 3 grams
We at Kangiiten have spent many years tracking shin-kyara’s supply and formation methods. Years ago, one of our partners discovered old mother “shin-kyara” trees that have strong natural resination properties, and also the grafting method of the branches of the mother tree onto wild sinensis agarwood trees to accelerate natural resin formation. To this end, all the time, efforts and investments have paid off, allowing more shin-kyara to appear on the market with high resination qualities.
The differences in Shin-kyara colours is currently limited to just the different “mother trees” the grafts are from. Whilst most shin-kyaras when heated have similar kinamic, woody and oudy core base notes, the olfactory differences between the colours are in the more volatile early heating notes. White present strong cinnamonic tones, cool sweetness.
Recommended gentle heating temperature - from a low 70°C to 130°C depending on your heater type. A sliver gently heated can perfume a space for many hours.